Tina is a girl one of a kind in all ways possible. She is a mixture of Japanese and British, which gives her the most exotic features and stunning naturally voluptuous body. Tina has very warm and bubby personality and comes second to none in terms of service.
- Age 24
- Race Asian
- Height/Weight 167/50
- Vital Stats 35C-25-35
- Language Japanese and English
- Straight sex Yes
- Oral sex (giving) Yes
- Oral sex (taking) Yes
- Anal sex No
- French kissing Yes
- Fetish fantasy Yes
- BDSM Yes
- Striptease Yes
- Massage Yes
- Dinner dating Yes
- 1 hour SGD 600
- 2 hours SGD 800
- 4 hours SGD 1000
- 24 hours SGD 2500